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The collaboration of a Masonic lodge called American Bixby Masonic Lodge (Oklahoma) with the First United Methodist Church

15 August 2013

The collaboration of a Masonic lodge called American Bixby Masonic Lodge (Oklahoma) with the First United Methodist Church

This video demonstrates the collaboration of a Masonic lodge called American Bixby Masonic Lodge (Oklahoma) with the First United Methodist Church to a Program Identification children. The lodge also donated money to the Methodist Church. It is also interviewed the ‘Worshipful Master’ of the lodge to which it is even asked what he should do one for become a Freemason Mason responds to the ‘to be a Mason to ask a Mason’. Here is further proof of collusion between Protestants and Freemasons, this diabolical institution that seeks the destruction of Christianity. What a scandal! (Giacinto Butindaro)

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La Buona Strada

Blog di Giuseppe Piredda, cristiano evangelico pentecostale trinitariano fondamentalista

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Il Buon Deposito

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