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Amazing nature scenery

17 October 2012

Amazing nature scenery

Glory of God!


  1. 17 October 2012 20:11

    This is a beautiful video I found months ago…it is even better if, when you click on play, you click on the spur shaped icon at the bottom of the screen (change quality) and watch it on 1080 p if you can. I used to have this on my front page on Lyn Leahz, but now I have it on my sidebar on my other site, God bless you!


    • 17 October 2012 21:24

      I saw this video in your site. thanks


      • 17 October 2012 22:40

        Oh that’s funny! I am glad you liked it! I thought it was breathtaking and amazing. It is so hard to try and imagine that heaven will be so more beautiful than even this video….


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